細線精密磨削滾珠絲杠 | FineLine Precision Rolled Ball Screws

細線磨削滾珠絲杠裝置是為在可接受的價格下提供高水平性能而設計制造。 滾珠絲杠使用Thomson獨特的、德國設計的精確絲杠成形(PSF)技術制成,精度高(±23μm/300mm標準),磨削工藝制造效率高。 滾珠螺母包括一個由加強鋼制成的滾珠回轉系統(tǒng)(按鈕回轉或端部回轉兩種之一),使之極端耐久,適用于高速、高負載及/或高溫應用。
● Manufactured by patented PSF (Precision Screw Forming) technology
● Offers low cost, high precision performance in applications typically requiring ground screws
● Responsive manufacturing & delivery times.
● No hard spots in the screws that can mar the ball surfaces and shorten screw life.
● Offers low cost, high precision performance in applications typically requiring ground screws
● Responsive manufacturing & delivery times.
● No hard spots in the screws that can mar the ball surfaces and shorten screw life.
● Smoother and quieter running due to superior surface finish.